Living With MS

Discussing all aspects of Multiple Sclerosis, various treatments, including accurate information regarding Tysabri.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

My Tysabri Diary...

Hi everybody, I completed my 68th Tysabri infusion, and all went well. I referred a new Tysabri patient to my infusion center, and they infused her two weeks ago, woohoo!

At this time, I would like to wish everybody a very joyous Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year too..., also, here is a link to a beautiful song entitled "Mary Did You Know"

I truly hope you enjoy this song and you enjoy your holidays, including Hanukkah.


Love, Lauren :)


  • At 7:07 PM, Blogger Cameron Stewart said…

    Hello Miss Lauren,
    I am a husband of a young lady who has MS. We recently went through a Tysabri infusion and ended up back in the hospital emergency room the same night. She is only 26 years old and had blood pressure of 144/104 as we live 45 miles from the nearest hospital we were not comfortable waiting it out to see what happened with her blood pressure. Needless to say it scared her pretty bad. I was wondering if you had any advise on this since you have had so many before and it seems to be helping alot. Thankyou for any advice we really appreciate it.
    From Wyoming

  • At 1:50 PM, Blogger Cyndee said…

    Hi Lauren! Please check your email, I sent you my phone number and I want to talk! Also, I go to the store all the time and I can pick things up for you.
    @Cameron Stewart, I took a friend to have her first Tysabri infusion and the same thing happened to her. What she ended up doing is when they give her the infusion they give her a slow drip and after a few infusions her body got use to Tysabri and then she had the infusion at a regular drip without her blood pressure going crazy. Hope this helps!
    Lauren, call me!

  • At 1:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    im having my third infusion tomorrow morning. I've been lucky, zero side effects apart from feeling really exhausted on the day of the infusion.

    Tysabri has made a big difference for me - so much more energy - im far from cured - but my life quality has improved greatly. I almost look forward to getting the infusions now (for someone that has a crazy fear of IV's)



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